"No Right Angles" at the Berkeley Art Museum
The UC Berkeley MFA show is now open at the Berkeley Art Museum. The show includes four of my paintings, as well as work from artists Miguel Arzabe, Bonnie Begusch, Amanda Eicher, Aliza Rand, Azin Seraj and Becky Suss. The show will be open until June 20, 2010.
This is an excerpt from the show catalog, written by curator Dena Beard:
"No Right Angles is an exhibition created by UC Berkeley's graduating MFA students. Miguel Arzabe, Bonnie Begusch, Amanda Eicher, Matt Mullins, Aliza Rand, Azin Seraj, and Becky Suss weave a story about artistic production. From unconventional photographic processes to community development projects, these seven artists challenge preconceptions about both the media and the motivations of art. Thinking outside of the lines of traditional engagement, they open the practice to exciting new strategies of intervention and visual innovation.
......Matthew Mullins meticulously paints archives, libraries, botanical gardens, and other neglected sites of storage. His meditations on his collective drive to research, catalog, and sometimes just accumulate are mysteriously emptied of human instigators, suggesting at once the function and futility of this motivation"